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Beginner's Guide to Disc Golf

In this guide, we will give you good tips for starting disc golf as a hobby.

Starting disc golf does not require any previous experience in throwing discs or even doing sports. It only requires one disc golf disc and a happy outdoor mindset! In recent years, disc golf has grown into a really popular hobby for the whole family. Millions of people play disc golf already.

With the following four steps, you can make disc golf your new hobby.

1.Select a suitable disc

Selecting a disc can be difficult for a beginner. Here are our best tips for choosing the right one:

There are three types of disc golf discs: putter, midrange and a driver. You won’t necessarily need them all, but if you want to do it right, you should buy a 3-disc set containing all these three disc types.

If you’ll begin with one disc, you should get either a putter or a midrange. With these disc types, you’ll get the best results. It’s also our recommendation that a beginner should use lighter weight discs (150-165 grams).

There are hundreds of discs with different flight characteristics. We recommend straight-flying discs for beginners. You can read more on disc characteristics here.

Recommended products for beginners:

2. Find a Disc Golf Course

Go to UDisc to find a local disc golf course near you, or plan a road trip with your friends. There are 1,000+ disc golf courses in Scandinavia alone!

Protip for disc golfers located in Finland: Check out frisbeegolfradat.fi for the most extensive info on Finnish disc golf courses!

More info: UDisc - Courses

3. Ask Your Friend to Join You

Disc golf is at its best in good company. Playing disc golf is an excellent way to spend time with friends and family. Disc golf is typically played in groups of 3-5 people and it takes about an hour to play a 9-hole course. You should reserve 2-3 hours for playing an 18-hole course. Time really flies when it’s fun!

4. Learn Throwing Technique

Even disc golf is fun and looks easy, you shouldn’t set the bar too high for your first trip to the disc golf course. All of us have a thought how a frisbee should be thrown, and the basic throws resemble “throw and catch” style. In order for you to throw a disc for further (30-100m) and in the right direction, you need to learn the basics of throwing a disc golf disc. You can get really good tips by following how experienced players throw.

Here’s a comprehensive instructional disc golf video series very much worth watching:

Discmania Deep in the Game

Best Product Tips for Beginners

We have gathered a list of discs suitable for beginners. With these, you’ll get a head start for your new hobby!

For Beginners