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The Whale is a straight-shooter, ready to make a big splash. With a VTech rim, this disc holds true for low and high power throws. The Whale is not only straight at low speeds, but is superior in the wind and at high speeds. Make sure you take it with you on windy days at the course.
There is no better putter on the market for putts, approaches, driving and sidearm. Compared to the popular Innova Aviar, the Whale has a more stable flight and less glide, which makes it great point-and-shoot disc for short drives and approaches.
The Whale is a straight-shooter, ready to make a big splash. With a VTech rim, this disc holds true for low and high power throws. The Whale is not only straight at low speeds, but is superior in the wind and at high speeds. Make sure you take it with you on windy days at the course.
There is no better putter on the market for putts, approaches, driving and sidearm. Compared to the popular Innova Aviar, the Whale has a more stable flight and less glide, which makes it great point-and-shoot disc for short drives and approaches.
Innovan XT -materiaali on markkinoiden paras valinta kun haussa on pitävä muovilaatu kosteille keleille. XT tarkoittaa XTra Tractionia, eli ylivoimaiseen pitoon on tässä muovilaadussa panostettu. Nahkeudesta ja pitävyydestä huolimatta tämän muovin on todettu kestävän myös todella hyvin kulutusta. Tämä muovi on suunnattu eritoten pelaajille, jotka arvostavat perinteisempää tuntumaa kiekoissa. Kestävyys XT-muovissa on kuitenkin selvästi parempi kuin DX-muovissa.
Innova's XT material is arguably the best choice of plastic for wet conditions. The XT stands for XTra Traction. It has proven to be one durable and griptastic plastic. The XT material will appeal to players who appreciate a more traditional feel to their discs. It has better wear and scuff resistance than the DX material.