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Do you need a laser pointer in your bag? With the super straight flight of the P1x you can hit the tightest of tunnels.
The P1x is the P1 evolved. The unique wing shape of the P1x gives it a smooth flight and an exceptional fit in the hand. The bottom of the rim is convex and it also has a medium sized bead. This makes it fit like a glove for both putting and throwing grips, while also keeping the flight pattern very straight across a wide range of speeds.
The X-line plastic offers great grip in any conditions. Thanks to that great grip the X-line P1x's are great throwing putters as well as great at grabbing the chains.
The shortest route between two points is the straightest one. Choose the P1x if you want to hit it.
Good for: Putting, approaches, straight drives, for beginners, advanced and pro players alike.
Do you need a laser pointer in your bag? With the super straight flight of the P1x you can hit the tightest of tunnels.
The P1x is the P1 evolved. The unique wing shape of the P1x gives it a smooth flight and an exceptional fit in the hand. The bottom of the rim is convex and it also has a medium sized bead. This makes it fit like a glove for both putting and throwing grips, while also keeping the flight pattern very straight across a wide range of speeds.
The X-line plastic offers great grip in any conditions. Thanks to that great grip the X-line P1x's are great throwing putters as well as great at grabbing the chains.
The shortest route between two points is the straightest one. Choose the P1x if you want to hit it.
Good for: Putting, approaches, straight drives, for beginners, advanced and pro players alike.
Discmanian X-line -materiaali on markkinoiden paras valinta kun haussa on pitävä muovilaatu kosteille tai kylmille keleille. Nahkeudesta ja pitävyydestä huolimatta tämän muovin on todettu kestävän myös todella hyvin kulutusta. Tämä muovi on suunnattu eritoten pelaajille, jotka arvostavat perinteisempää tuntumaa kiekoissa. Kestävyys X-linjan muovissa on kuitenkin selvästi parempi kuin Discmanian D-line -muovissa.
Discmania’s X-line material is arguably the best choice of plastic for wet and cold weather conditions. This plastic blend has a very organic feel and probably the best grip out of any plastic materials out there. The porous structure makes material grippy even when wet. The X-line material will appeal to players who appreciate a more traditional feel to their discs. It has better wear and scuff resistance than the Discmania D-line material.