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A limited number of these sweet bottom stamped C-line MD3’s now in stock!
The MD3 features a sleek profile that is easy to grip even if you are not that accustomed with midrange drivers. It is designed to function as your workhorse midrange both off the tee and with shorter approaches. The MD3 resembles the Discmania hit midrange MD2 a lot by it’s profile. The MD3 in it’s different plastic offerings is widely used from beginner & advanced levels all the way to world’s top players like Eagle McMahon & Simon Lizotte.
The MD3 works best as an all-around midrange disc, and its different weights fill all the midrange needs of most players. When thrown accordingly, the MD3 holds a line very well and at the end of its flight it fades underneath the basket for a pitch-in birdie.
A limited number of these sweet bottom stamped C-line MD3’s now in stock!
The MD3 features a sleek profile that is easy to grip even if you are not that accustomed with midrange drivers. It is designed to function as your workhorse midrange both off the tee and with shorter approaches. The MD3 resembles the Discmania hit midrange MD2 a lot by it’s profile. The MD3 in it’s different plastic offerings is widely used from beginner & advanced levels all the way to world’s top players like Eagle McMahon & Simon Lizotte.
The MD3 works best as an all-around midrange disc, and its different weights fill all the midrange needs of most players. When thrown accordingly, the MD3 holds a line very well and at the end of its flight it fades underneath the basket for a pitch-in birdie.
Discmanian kestävin muoviseos, joka kestää erittäin hyviä kovia osumia. Tämä muovi on näyttävän näköistä ja tarjoaa erinomaisen gripin. C-line -muovissa kiekot ovat usein hieman ylivakaampia kuin ns. perusmuoveissa.
Discmania's most durable plastic – these discs wear down very slowly. C-Line discs retain original flight characteristics for an extended period of time. Whether used in heavily wooded situations, or on extremely rugged courses, the C-Line plastic will continue to perform predictably and endure damage very well. Good grip and showstopper see-through look. Discs in the C-line material tend to be more overstable than same discs in base line plastics.