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InnovaStore Specials Gummy Colour Glow Champion Rhyno
A special treat for Rhyno fans now available!
Good to know: There's a bit of difference in the flex between the different colours of this disc - The pink ones tend to more more gummy in their structure, while the turquoise ones are more firm.
One of the most reliable driving putters, the Rhyno, now available with the praised Colour Glow Champion material. These Rhynos feature a fairly gummy blend of Colour Glow Champion plastic that is softer and grippier than the plastic used in regular Champion Rhynos. Perfect choice for precision shots, especially in colder temperatures!
The Rhyno is an overstable putt and approach disc that can handle headwinds. Great for players with lots of throwing power as the Rhyno stops on a dime and stays close to the basket. It is a must have disc for short to medium up shots and putting into the wind. The Rhyno’s Thumtrac® gives it a sure grip and reliable performance in any situation.
The Rhyno is not available in Innova’s regular production with the Colour Glow Champion material, so here’s a rare chance to get some!
Recommended for: Putts, approaches, advanced and competitive players.
InnovaStore Specials Gummy Colour Glow Champion Rhyno
A special treat for Rhyno fans now available!
Good to know: There's a bit of difference in the flex between the different colours of this disc - The pink ones tend to more more gummy in their structure, while the turquoise ones are more firm.
One of the most reliable driving putters, the Rhyno, now available with the praised Colour Glow Champion material. These Rhynos feature a fairly gummy blend of Colour Glow Champion plastic that is softer and grippier than the plastic used in regular Champion Rhynos. Perfect choice for precision shots, especially in colder temperatures!
The Rhyno is an overstable putt and approach disc that can handle headwinds. Great for players with lots of throwing power as the Rhyno stops on a dime and stays close to the basket. It is a must have disc for short to medium up shots and putting into the wind. The Rhyno’s Thumtrac® gives it a sure grip and reliable performance in any situation.
The Rhyno is not available in Innova’s regular production with the Colour Glow Champion material, so here’s a rare chance to get some!
Recommended for: Putts, approaches, advanced and competitive players.
Innova Glow Champion -muovi
Erittäin suosittu, pimeässä hohtava muovilaatu. Glow Champion on kuin Champion-muovia, mutta usein hieman pitävämpää, pehmeämpää ja lähes täysin läpinäkymätöntä. Saatavilla sekä valkoisena (Glow Champion), että värillisenä (Colour Glow Champion). Näistä valkoinen muovi on usein kovempaa ja kestävämpää, kun taas värillinen on usein pitävämpää ja pehmeämpää.
Innova Glow Champion plastic
Glow Champion plastic is a very popular premium plastic blend that glows in the dark. The feel is similar to Champion plastic. Available in two types: Glow Champion (white discs) and Colour Glow Champion (coloured discs). The white Glow Champion discs tend to be a little more stiff and durable, while the Colour Glow Champion discs tend to be a little more grippy and flexible.