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A limited number of the super versatile Discmania C-line CD2 with the cool Eagle "bar" stamp! By purchasing this product you directly support the young Team Discmania superstar on tour!
Control to the power of 2 = CD2. The CD2 quickly surpassed the CD in popularity. It offers you a humongous amount of control, along with sneaky distance for a disc with only a speed rating of 9. The CD2 is suitable to be the all-around general use driver for a range of skill levels, and by firing it at different launch angles you can get various flight patterns out of it.
These C-line CD2s are at the more stable end of spectrum for the CD2s, and thanks to the super durable C-line plastic, they will retain the stability for a long while. The C-line plastic comes in vibrant colours and also gives a good grip.
If you want to dance your way into the middle of the fairway, put on the CD2 and jump to it!
Good for: Controlled drives, straight shots, turnovers, maximum distance drives, for all skill levels.
A limited number of the super versatile Discmania C-line CD2 with the cool Eagle "bar" stamp! By purchasing this product you directly support the young Team Discmania superstar on tour!
Control to the power of 2 = CD2. The CD2 quickly surpassed the CD in popularity. It offers you a humongous amount of control, along with sneaky distance for a disc with only a speed rating of 9. The CD2 is suitable to be the all-around general use driver for a range of skill levels, and by firing it at different launch angles you can get various flight patterns out of it.
These C-line CD2s are at the more stable end of spectrum for the CD2s, and thanks to the super durable C-line plastic, they will retain the stability for a long while. The C-line plastic comes in vibrant colours and also gives a good grip.
If you want to dance your way into the middle of the fairway, put on the CD2 and jump to it!
Good for: Controlled drives, straight shots, turnovers, maximum distance drives, for all skill levels.
Discmanian kestävin muoviseos, joka kestää erittäin hyviä kovia osumia. Tämä muovi on näyttävän näköistä ja tarjoaa erinomaisen gripin. C-line -muovissa kiekot ovat usein hieman ylivakaampia kuin ns. perusmuoveissa.
Discmania's most durable plastic – these discs wear down very slowly. C-Line discs retain original flight characteristics for an extended period of time. Whether used in heavily wooded situations, or on extremely rugged courses, the C-Line plastic will continue to perform predictably and endure damage very well. Good grip and showstopper see-through look. Discs in the C-line material tend to be more overstable than same discs in base line plastics.