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The Genius is the most beginner friendly driver featured in the Discmania Active lineup. Designed to flip and fly, the Genius has massive amounts of turn making this the optimal disc for beginners as well as anyone looking for a disc that can do more. Due to its unique flight characteristics the Genius is able to fill a variety of shots in the bag making this an optimal driver for any player. The Genius uses its massive turn to carve shots in the air, navigate tight lines, and even turn into a roller that tears down the fairway.
The grippy and durable Active Premium plastic offers a long life to this disc. Models in this plastic tend to be a touch more overstable than the same model in baseline plastic.
The Genius is the most beginner friendly driver featured in the Discmania Active lineup. Designed to flip and fly, the Genius has massive amounts of turn making this the optimal disc for beginners as well as anyone looking for a disc that can do more. Due to its unique flight characteristics the Genius is able to fill a variety of shots in the bag making this an optimal driver for any player. The Genius uses its massive turn to carve shots in the air, navigate tight lines, and even turn into a roller that tears down the fairway.
The grippy and durable Active Premium plastic offers a long life to this disc. Models in this plastic tend to be a touch more overstable than the same model in baseline plastic.
Discmanian Active Premium -muovi on läpikuultava ja miellyttävän kestävä muoviseos, joka tarjoaa kuitenkin kestävyyteensä nähden erinomaisen pidon. Nämä kiekot ovat saatavilla kirkkaissa väreissä, jotka erottuvat hyvin maastossa. Active-tuotteiden painot on optimoitu sopiviksi mahdollisimman laajalle kirjolle eri taitotasoja ja ne ovat kaikissa kiekoissa samat. Valitse siis vain mieleisesi väri!
Discmania's Active Premium is a translucent plastic blend that comes in vibrant colours that are easy to spot on the course. This plastic has a great grip/durability -ratio. The weights of the Active line discs have been optimized to work for a wide range of skill levels, so all you have to worry about is choosing your favourite colour!