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Reach cosmic distances with the Astronaut!
Astronaut has great amounts of speed, glide and turn, but just a little fade. All these characteristics combined make it an awesome choice for players looking for their first distance driver. Give it a bit of air and it just wants to keep going - with minimal effort! Players with more power will find the Astronaut handy for rollers, and long anhyzers/turnovers.
The grippy and durable Active Premium plastic offers a long life to this disc. Models in this plastic tend to be a touch more overstable than the same model in baseline plastic.
Reach cosmic distances with the Astronaut!
Astronaut has great amounts of speed, glide and turn, but just a little fade. All these characteristics combined make it an awesome choice for players looking for their first distance driver. Give it a bit of air and it just wants to keep going - with minimal effort! Players with more power will find the Astronaut handy for rollers, and long anhyzers/turnovers.
The grippy and durable Active Premium plastic offers a long life to this disc. Models in this plastic tend to be a touch more overstable than the same model in baseline plastic.
Discmanian Active Premium -muovi on läpikuultava ja miellyttävän kestävä muoviseos, joka tarjoaa kuitenkin kestävyyteensä nähden erinomaisen pidon. Nämä kiekot ovat saatavilla kirkkaissa väreissä, jotka erottuvat hyvin maastossa. Active-tuotteiden painot on optimoitu sopiviksi mahdollisimman laajalle kirjolle eri taitotasoja ja ne ovat kaikissa kiekoissa samat. Valitse siis vain mieleisesi väri!
Discmania's Active Premium is a translucent plastic blend that comes in vibrant colours that are easy to spot on the course. This plastic has a great grip/durability -ratio. The weights of the Active line discs have been optimized to work for a wide range of skill levels, so all you have to worry about is choosing your favourite colour!