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USDGC Champion Roc+
The number one professional mid-range disc. It is very reliable at the high speeds that pros throw. It ages slowly, becoming an excellent slow turning disc as it wears. The proceedings from sales of this product will benefit the US Disc Golf Championships.
The Roc is simply the best, most versatile mid-range disc ever made. It provides accuracy at any range. This disc can take and hold the angle of release, even into a headwind. It can be used for driving, upshots, straight shots, hyzer shots or anhyzers. The Roc ages gradually and predictably. If you're not sure what disc to throw, choose the Roc; just like most pros.
ROC+ has a more open rim, which ensures smooth release. This might be the answer if you’re suffering from griplock issues with mid-range discs. This version is less overstable than other versions of Roc. In other features this mold places between Ontario and Rancho molds.
USDGC Champion Roc+
The number one professional mid-range disc. It is very reliable at the high speeds that pros throw. It ages slowly, becoming an excellent slow turning disc as it wears. The proceedings from sales of this product will benefit the US Disc Golf Championships.
The Roc is simply the best, most versatile mid-range disc ever made. It provides accuracy at any range. This disc can take and hold the angle of release, even into a headwind. It can be used for driving, upshots, straight shots, hyzer shots or anhyzers. The Roc ages gradually and predictably. If you're not sure what disc to throw, choose the Roc; just like most pros.
ROC+ has a more open rim, which ensures smooth release. This might be the answer if you’re suffering from griplock issues with mid-range discs. This version is less overstable than other versions of Roc. In other features this mold places between Ontario and Rancho molds.
Innova Champion-muovi
Innovan kehittämä “the original”, läpinäkyvä muoviseos. Huomattavasti DX/Pro-linjoja vahvempi: Champion-muovin kiekot kestävät satoja kierroksia ja soveltuvatkin erityisesti aktiivi- ja kilpapelaajille. Maailman suosituin muoviseos premium-kiekoissa. Malleja saatavilla myös yksilöllisesti värjättynä (Dyed).
Innova Champion plastic
Champion Line is produced with a hi-tech plastic that provides outstanding performance and durability. Champion discs are distinguished by a clear or pearlescent plastic. The Champion Line discs retain original flight characteristics for an extended period of time. Whether used in heavily wooded situations, or on extremely rugged courses, the Champion Line plastic will continue to perform predictably and avoid damage better than any other plastic. Originally designed for professional players, Champion Line discs are usually more stable than the same model in Pro, R-Pro or DX.