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Accuracy and dependability in all conditions!
Playing in a windy weather is often the measure of true playing skills. The Discmania FD1 is dependably straight fairway driver that can handle strong winds and strong arms
The FD1 packs the right amount of glide and overstability to achieve a straight flight pattern with a biting fade at the end. For a pro player, it can even turn a little bit, still returning with certainty. For an amateur, the FD1 works as a stable straight disc and can even fill the place of an overstable fairway driver in the bag.
Thanks to its quite flat profile, FD1 fits easily in your hand and many have found the FD1 to be great for sidearm throws. The profile also makes it able to handle high amounts of torque and power.
In Discmania's line-up the FD1 fits perfectly between the FD and FD3.
Suitability: Straight longer fairway shots, approaches, for beginners, advanced players.
Accuracy and dependability in all conditions!
Playing in a windy weather is often the measure of true playing skills. The Discmania FD1 is dependably straight fairway driver that can handle strong winds and strong arms
The FD1 packs the right amount of glide and overstability to achieve a straight flight pattern with a biting fade at the end. For a pro player, it can even turn a little bit, still returning with certainty. For an amateur, the FD1 works as a stable straight disc and can even fill the place of an overstable fairway driver in the bag.
Thanks to its quite flat profile, FD1 fits easily in your hand and many have found the FD1 to be great for sidearm throws. The profile also makes it able to handle high amounts of torque and power.
In Discmania's line-up the FD1 fits perfectly between the FD and FD3.
Suitability: Straight longer fairway shots, approaches, for beginners, advanced players.
Discmanian kestävin muoviseos, joka kestää erittäin hyviä kovia osumia. Tämä muovi on näyttävän näköistä ja tarjoaa erinomaisen gripin. C-line -muovissa kiekot ovat usein hieman ylivakaampia kuin ns. perusmuoveissa.
Discmania's most durable plastic – these discs wear down very slowly. C-Line discs retain original flight characteristics for an extended period of time. Whether used in heavily wooded situations, or on extremely rugged courses, the C-Line plastic will continue to perform predictably and endure damage very well. Good grip and showstopper see-through look. Discs in the C-line material tend to be more overstable than same discs in base line plastics.