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The long-awaited CD3 is finally here! Discmania set out to create a driver that was suitable for all walks of life and ended up with something even more special than that. Think of your favorite control driver and sprinkle in some added speed, glide, and a little bit of turn and you have yourself a CD3. Combine that with probably the most ergonomic rim configuration you've seen on a 11 speed driver and you'll know this is a disc you'll be opting for off the tee time after time.
Although it is great for beginning players and advanced golfers alike, the CD3 will find a home even in the bags of power throwers. You will find yourself reaching for it again and again for long tunnel shots, huge turnovers, gentle hyzers, and a soft finish on every throw. Some of our players even like it for a longer roller. You'll be amazed with how easy the CD3 is to throw consistently.
The long-awaited CD3 is finally here! Discmania set out to create a driver that was suitable for all walks of life and ended up with something even more special than that. Think of your favorite control driver and sprinkle in some added speed, glide, and a little bit of turn and you have yourself a CD3. Combine that with probably the most ergonomic rim configuration you've seen on a 11 speed driver and you'll know this is a disc you'll be opting for off the tee time after time.
Although it is great for beginning players and advanced golfers alike, the CD3 will find a home even in the bags of power throwers. You will find yourself reaching for it again and again for long tunnel shots, huge turnovers, gentle hyzers, and a soft finish on every throw. Some of our players even like it for a longer roller. You'll be amazed with how easy the CD3 is to throw consistently.
Discmanian kestävin muoviseos, joka kestää erittäin hyviä kovia osumia. Tämä muovi on näyttävän näköistä ja tarjoaa erinomaisen gripin. C-line -muovissa kiekot ovat usein hieman ylivakaampia kuin ns. perusmuoveissa.
Discmania's most durable plastic – these discs wear down very slowly. C-Line discs retain original flight characteristics for an extended period of time. Whether used in heavily wooded situations, or on extremely rugged courses, the C-Line plastic will continue to perform predictably and endure damage very well. Good grip and showstopper see-through look. Discs in the C-line material tend to be more overstable than same discs in base line plastics.